Saturday, May 24, 2014

News of a Revolution

The news industry has seen very minimal changes in recent years. John Meyer, college student at NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering, is going to change the way people get their news.

Meyer created an app called 'Fresco' available on the iTunes Store. This app gives the person more options on how they get the news and what news they get. It uses other news sources all connected to this app to create an personalized news by the sources you want to see.

This is great for people that have particular interests and don't want all of the other news in the newspapers.

But there are always cons to every app. For this app, if you set it up so you don't get a variety of sources and see the other side of the issues in the news then this app could isolate you with the world. This app could also be a breeding ground for people to only get news from certain websites and take some news companies out of business.

There have been some other news apps like this one created. All of the major news companies have their own app to give the consumer the news on their phone or electronic device while on the go. Some other news apps on iTunes store are Flipboard and News360.

News360 has the most in common with Fresco. They both personalize your news all on one app. Another thing in common is that they are both made to make the news simple to find for the consumer. This makes them competing to get to the top.

Flipboard on the other hand is a personalized magazine that gives your choice in magazines to appeal to your taste. This competes with Fresco because they both personalize the info you want to get. 

For now, Fresco is on top of the personalized news apps offered by iTunes. That could change if another person creates an app that makes the news even simpler to get.

Meyer is thinking about dropping out of college at the age of 19 but has not made his decision yet. His decision will be based on the success of Fresco and if he thinks he can become more successful with more schooling.

If I were in his shoes I would stay in school. This is because then you know if something goes wrong and you lose your job with the company that hires you, there is a back-up plan and you have a degree in some field.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What is cyberbullying?

As the number of people increase social media usage, the danger of cyber-bullying rises. But what is cyber-bullying and how do we properly punish the people that do it?

Many teens have there own communication when it comes to their friends. To an outsider of a group, it may seem like a particular person might be getting cyber-bullied. Many of these possible false reports are caused by a parent or family member that does not understand the communication style they have with their friends.

The way I think that cyber-bullying should be handled is loosely but if there is a person that truly needs help and is not defending themselves. This is so there are less false reports by others hat don't understand the context of the conversations. Basically, if a person is being repetitively bullied online and they are not sticking up for themselves then ask the person if they think they are getting bullied. Depending on what they think is happening to them, proceed in a manner that may help them.

I think they should also help the person that is bullying the other person. this is because they are more then likely going though some troubles in their lives.

There is always a way out of the cyber-bullying cycle. It starts with getting someone involved if you feel like it is happening to you. and if it does not stop then get the police involved.

The children's parents should be teaching their kid right from wrong. But schools should still teach all of the students what is right and wrong to say online.

Following those tips and some others mentioned in the video, we can create a safe place for children to go online. But this will take the cooperation of all the parents, students and teachers to make this right. 


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Distracting your Future?

Has social media really gotten to the point that people feel like they are alone in the world?

It may be a safe place to go where your parents can't see what you are doing or at least limit what they can see. This is also where we create a lot of our connections with people we know.

Snapchat is now one of the more popular ways teens communicate with their friends. This use of social media has taken the selfie craze to a whole new level. I can't walk down a sidewalk or sit in a public area without seeing one or two people taking selfies and sending it to their friends. 

This video I have added to the post, is really treading on Facebook, and shows one side of the story. It is a great example of how things have changed from what we did as kids to what kids do today.

It is sadly true to many people in developed countries.

Everyone is guilty of being tuned out of society from time to time, and there is nothing wrong with that. But when it starts affecting your daily life and you feel no connection to the people you are "friends" with on your social media that's where it becomes a problem.

Try giving this a shot one-day and see how this could change your life. You might be surprised at the friends and connections you can create by just being unplugged from your devices and social media. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Apple is Growing Bigger

The Apple logo has been infused in every one's mind whether you like it or not. You see it on a daily basis. This company has just expanded and bought out another small company to enhance their product even more. 

It cost them $43 million dollars, but they bought LuxVue Technology to improve there already stunning led screens. LuxVue has been around for a few years producing low-powered micro LED screens for all sorts of technology. They have flown under the radar for a while.

Apple must have seen something in them to spend that kind of money to possibly enhance the LED in the screens of their product. 

With this purchase by Apple, there is a possibility that the new product they come up with will cost more then what you are already paying (which is already outrageous). 

It may improve their product as a whole but are they becoming a monopoly? Numbers don't lie, and the fact that they had more money on hand then the U.S. Treasury is saying something. 

In 2011, Apple was worth $370 billion. That’s right I said $370 billion. That is double what the Apollo Space Program is worth.

They also have $140 billion dollars in foreign accounts due to tax loopholes that they took advantage of.  And they blame the government for creating the loopholes.

Needless to say, but Apple has grown though the point that it cannot be controlled anymore. 

Apple has been accused of making products that are meant to break to make the customers come back and buy a brand new version of what they already have. They have also patented their own style of screw so no person can fix the product themselves. Then when you bring it in to get fixed, it cost an arm and a leg (literally). 

Apple has taken over the world with there technology and someone needs to stop them before they control over everything in our daily lives (even though this has happened to many of us already).